Individual Coaching with Jem

Coaching may be specifically focussed on Well-being, Resilience, Purpose discovery, the Active Hope process or Transformation through Strategic Intervention coaching tools. The type of coaching that you receive can be chosen by yourself or pre-decided upon with Jem’s support. It is also possible to embark on a coaching process without the need for it being designated within any specific category but rather the various tools from these schools of thought can be used & explored when & if relevant for your particular process & journey.

Transformation and Transition Coaching

This form of coaching is to support you to step into more of who you really can be or to transition into new life stages or situations in an easy, fluid & exciting way. These sessions are designed to help you to understand who you are & why you are, to discover your strengths, values & the needs that drive you, as well as the challenges & limiting beliefs that get in your way. Knowing who & where you actually are in this moment, will enable you to want to go to – you cannot program a SatNav to take you somewhere if you do not accurately tell it where you are to begin with! As we uncover any of your blocks, fears or limiting beliefs, I can support you to move through & beyond them. These are profound coaching sessions that can enable you to continually shift your life to a more positive, empowered & inspired way of being.


Our lives are interpersed with many transitions that we often unconsciously stumble through or we resist. There are changes in our life stages, ages, employment, relationships, circumstances, etc. In many traditional societies, these transitions would have been marked & supported or even made into initiation ceremonies but we generally lack such awareness & guidance in our modern world. We also often fail to notice that it is a transition point or resist it happening, both of which can make the experience much harder. Being coached through a life transition can not only make the experience much easier but also open it up it’s potential for being a time of deep learning & growth that can enable you to step into the next part of your life in a more fulfilled & aligned manner.

Wellbeing Coaching

These sessions provide specific support to help you to be more happy, healthy & balanced in life. Well-being consists both of the choices that we make around the habits that keep us healthy as well as our capacity to maintain a positive mental & emotional balance. Our health is very dependant on the quality of our diet, exercise & sleep but it is also greatly effected by our emotional state & stress levels. These sessions will help you to improve your physical, emotional & your mental health.

On the physical level, you could learn how to eat, exercise & sleep in better ways & I can guide you both to drop unhealthy habits as well as adopt new healthy habits. Good habits are the foundation of a good life. On the emotional & mental level, I can support you with the aid of various positive psychology & other supportive coaching tools.

Resilience Coaching

These sessions are particularly useful for helping you to overcome challenges that you may be facing in life, either due to your present life situation or in relation to more global issues that may be of concern to you. I aim to provide you with the self-awareness, insight & tools that will enable you to move through these difficulties, & be better prepared to deal with future ones.

Purpose Coaching

Purpose coaching can be useful for helping you to connect with your Life Purpose or gain a greater capacity to make choices that are based on staying aligned with your highest values on a day to day basis. Knowing your purpose is a valuable way to enable you to find meaning & clarity of direction in your life. I aim to help you to discover who you are meant to be & what you came here to do or to help you clarify what choices you should be making in your life right now.

Within these coaching sessions, you will gain a much greater understanding of your core values, your passions & deepest concerns, as well as your inherent character strengths & skills. From that point, we can start to explore how you could best use them in your life or for the greater good. If needed, we can create an effective strategy so that you can do so.

Free Clarity Session

I offer a couple of free 30 minute Clarity Sessions per week to support my community. They can be very helpful in their own right but they can also give you a sense of how I work. These are open to anyone who has not had a coaching session with me before. For more information, please click here.

Booking appointments

It is often useful to book a free 30 minute Clarity session with me first, so that you can get a sense of how I work & I can get a clearer senses of where your struggles are & how I might be of service to you. If you wish to book directly, individual 60 minute coaching sessions can be booked on the booking page. A series of 8 sessions can be booked after having spoken with me. Please go to the coaching bookings page for more information & to book your sessions.