Discover how Well-Being, Resilience and Transformation Coaching can support your Positive Change

Do you want to:
  • live in a balanced, healthy, happy and vibrant way?
  • discover your full potential and live from that empowered place?
  • be more resilient and able to move through the challenges that life throws at you?
  • move beyond limitations, fears and blocks so that you can create the life that you truly want?
Then having a coach who can support, guide and encourage you will make all the difference.

My name is Jem Friar and I am really glad that you are here because I help people with exactly these challenges and goals. I have helped hundreds of people to live more balanced, happy, healthy and fulfilling lives and I would be honoured if I can support you too. 

I have over 30 years of experience in the fields of health, well-being and positive change. I use this experience + the skills and tools from the various coaching skills that I have studied and trained in (positive psychology, resilience coaching, purpose coaching, strategic intervention coaching, life coaching, etc.) with individuals and groups online.

Book your "Clarity Session" with Jem

If this sounds interesting to you, I would love to speak to you on the phone or by Skype or Zoom (or similar) and give you a free 30-minute Clarity Session. You should find this session really valuable for helping you to have greater clarity, direction and a sense of how to overcome your challenges.

During the call, I can learn about you, your challenges, hopes and goals, as well as answer any questions and share some of my unique strategies and approach. I only offer 3-4 of these free sessions weekly, so booking is essential.

This is a complimentary consultation and you have no obligation to me whatsoever, if you take this opportunity to receive my support for 30 minutes.


Jem Friar

“I am passionate about facilitating and supporting lasting, positive change for those whom I work with…
and where I can, in the World around me too

– Jem Friar